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Jimmy Hoffa Found Working In Bowling Alley

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             Labor union leader, Jimmy Hoffa, who was last seen in 1975 ​and assumed dead, was found in Baltimore, working in a bowling alley.

          “I’ve been here since 1985… and I’m still organizing to this very day,” Hoffa says.  “Not unions, you understand, but, more like – bowling shoes and groups of people with reservations of 6 or more into the Ten Pins Discount Club.”

       Hoffa has been able to live undetected for so long because of the unique nature of his job. “I’m never working the same task two days in a row,” he says. “That’s the key to laying low and inconspicuous. Today, I might be here at the front desk.  Tomorrow, I might be dishing out fries in the cafe.  The next day – I”m cleaning the John… or I’m doing all three jobs simultaneously.  You never know where I’m gonna be in this joint.”

       Hoffa seems content with his current place in life for now.  Although he plans to look into the possibility of forming some new, under represented labor unions. “Pin Setters and Bowling Ball Polishers Local will be my first union endeavour,” he says.

       Hoffa picks up a pair of number ten bowling shoes from the counter.  He pauses, sprays a heavy dose of disinfectant inside each shoe, and then he gets into the biggest reason why he’s been here so long.  “I love the smell of this shit, you understand?”  In fact, Hoffa is a bowling shoe disinfectant spray junky.  “I’ve got a fifty spray a day habit,” he confesses.  “At my lowest point, I was sucking off Teamsters two at a time to get a hit of this shit, you understand?”

  Hoffa turns away, sniffs deeply, his attention now on a group of 6 bowlers.  He smiles and aggressively tries to persuade them to join the Ten Pins Discount Club.

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