Bazooka Joe, long known for bubble gum and brilliant micro-comics, has won the prestigious Mark Twain Prize for humor.
“The wit of Bazooka Joe, combined with a super sweet bubblegum experience made the selection unanimous.” says Twain board member, Simon Ogletree.” Also, the fact that this guy has only one eye, makes his razor sharp observational humor all that more impressive. We haven’t seen this level of comedic talent from any one-eyed humorist/actor since Snake Plissken did the Escape From New York – Catskills Edition, comedy improv tour with Sammy Davis Jr., and that pirate from SpongeBob Square Pants.”
According to Olgetree, the competition was really tight this time around. “Yes, there were several other people with brilliant comedic resumes in the running for the prize.” The other nominees included Jim Belushi, Carrot Top, Gallagher…and Gallagher’s watermelon seeds. Again, Mr. Ogletree. “The seeds tend to leave a lasting impression and we appreciate that.”
Bazooka Joe has been dishing out the jokes in tiny doses inside bubble gum wrappers since 1953. “That’s a lot of laughs… and cheap, hard-as-a-rock bubblegum,” adds Mr. Ogletree. “In fact, no one person has been responsible for more laughs, and frankly, more tooth decay, than Bazooka Joe. And for this we thank him.”
Just announced, a micro-braille edition of the Bazooka Joe comics for the seeing impaired.